Wednesday 25 May 2011


This Poem is dedicated to all my firends who have allowed me into their lives... you have all truly blessed me..Thank you for allowing me to share my words with you!!! Please feel free to share this Poem with your friends!

Allow your mind to wonder....
Be still..Listen to your heart slowing beating....1..2...3...4
With every beat your fill yourself with light around you..
Open yourself to the love around you..
As you read each word written here.....
...Just breathe....
Allow yourself to forget about todays and tomorrows worries..
Think of all the millions of people right now just breathing....
Thankful for their lifes..Not of their posessions...
...Just breathe....
The Sound of slience.....
The sound of presence....
The Sound of just being in this very moment....
Do not worry for what has yet to come to pass....
Your soul takes this moment to breathe....
Yet you take it to think of tomorrow...?
Just let go....
You walk this path to seek the light...
To find the yern to be...
Close your eyes just for a moment and feel it....don't think...just know..
It is always with is not in today or is in you now....this very second you breathe.
All yourself to be free from worry or pain...sorrow or lost...loniness or sadness... just love...
With each breath you take you become love more, smile more... You feel the peace within you
We take this breath given to us for granted..
Without this we could not love, listen, feel, touch, smell...
My purpose on this plain had yet to be reveled...But I know in my very being of my soul the breath which gave me life.....
So today has come and tomorrow is near but I am here and for that I will not fear.
To be free, all I have to do is breathe......

~Crystal Arsenault~

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